White Light (White Light)

White Light 数あれど、私が好きな、というか White Light と聞いてすぐに頭に浮かぶのがニューオリンズのプログレバンド、White Light (U.S. Prog) という書かれ方をする White Light でありまして、その唯一作。

リリースは 2015 年だそうですけど録音は 1976 年で、いわゆる発掘物。 大所帯バンドではないものの、メンバーが器用に楽器をこなし、特にベースの人が弾くシンセがスペースロックとなっており、サイケデリックロック〜スペースロック〜プログレッシブロックの流れに腰砕けになる向きにはうってつけ。 デモも 3 曲収録され、荒っぽい感じがかえって正式録音のテイクよりもかっこうよかったりなんかして、なかなか侮れないんですよね。

White Light was a progressive rock group originally from New Orleans, then later from Austin, Texas, USA, where the group once recorded with Sonobeat Records (Mariani, Wildfire). White Light (not to be confused with the Glaswegian Christian rock band of the same name) was composed of Mike Hobren (electric and acoustic guitars, vocals, lyrics), Rob Haeuser (bass, synthesizers, audio engineering), and Rusty Haeuser (drums, percussion, flute). On White Light’s self-titled album, recorded in 1976 and reissued here with three bonus demos from 1975, fans of progressive rock will be treated to a real romp of experimental music that utilizes a host of instrumentation and special effects. Mike Hobren employs a diverse range of styles and techniques on the guitar, including the use of a cello bow on the introduction to the track Stargazer. Rob Haeuser’s bass grounds the music perfectly, and his synthesizer work is, at times, haunting. Rusty Haeuser provides well-rounded percussion to inject a powerful rhythm line into the music. White Light was heavily influenced by progressive groups like Yes, Pink Floyd, and Weather Report, to name a few, but brought their own unique twist. Highly recommended for lovers of progressive rock with roots in the mid – ’70s. Produced, recorded, and engineered by Sonobeat Recording Company cofounder Bill Josey Sr. (1921-1976) at Blue Hole Sounds studio, Liberty Hill, Texas, USA, February 1976.

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